A Recipe for Disaster?

When you are preparing your message for a media interview or helping someone else with their preparation, don’t try to cram in too much. Many times I’ve heard trainers asking delegates to prepare three or even five key messages. I like to think of interviews as having one key ingredient and then other tasty morsels to back up the main dish. As someone who can’t cook and won’t cook this is probably where I should leave the culinary analogies. But if you imagine inviting people round for something to eat and then expecting them to know all the ingredients you will be sadly disappointed. The point is, as with food, it is the main flavours that count. It is the same in media interviews. If you go into an interview with a handful of points you want to make the chances are you will either forget them or run out of time. Now put yourself in the shoes of the audience. Are they really going to remember every word you have said? Will those well-crafted key messages (note messag...